Saturday, January 9, 2016

Dev Blog #2: Map-making

Hey folks, I'm back with another update on the status of my current work-in-progress game, Cargo! This has been a pretty eventful week for the development of the game. I've implemented several important features and learned a lot about Construct Classic in the process. So, without further ado, here's what has happened since last we spoke!

First, the external map is now up and running. You can now see information about possible destinations and choose where to travel to from this screen.

The green pinpoint indicates your current location.

The tooltip that appears when highlighting a location.

Who's up for a trip to Disney World?

Second, significant changes have been made to the UI. The current design is temporary and for testing purposes, but it displays nearly all the information that will be necessary for the final version (a time counter has yet to be implemented, but its not going to take long to complete).

Condition, fuel, distance to go, and money meters have all been
added to the UI.

That mysterious pickup will give you money. Who woulda thunk it? :)


Lastly, several tweaks and changes to the game logic and organization have been made, thanks to my ever-increasing fluency with Construct (I like to think I've gone from a lost, floundering novice to a somewhat wiser, floundering novice). I really like this tool, and despite its quirks, I hope to use it for other things in the future. I also might make a few tutorials for Construct Classic to pass on some of the things I learn, since it seems like free training for the engine is comparatively scarce.

Development is still on track, and I hope to have the last two hurdles (the upgrade screen and the police chase mechanic) done pretty soon. Stay tuned for more info! :)

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