Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Another Week, Another Post!

Hello, folks! I realize I'm a day late with this blog post, but this has been a pretty slow week for game dev for me, so I don't have too much to say here. I still gotta keep that once-a-week-at-least streak alive though, so here's some words! Fresh, tasty words.... D:<

Anyway, enough of that. Since the release of my last #1GAM game, Chroma Road, I've been focusing mostly on brainstorming ideas for my next project. I have decided to challenge myself for the remainder of my #1GAM experience and disallow any further "twitch" (reflex-based) games. I have made far too many of these, I realize, and I am becoming a poorer and poorer judge of the difficulty of my own games. As such, all my #1GAM games from this month on will not be reflex-based! Whoopee! :D

As for this month's game in particular, I have a few personal goals. The first is that I want to make another browser-based game. I haven't done this since March with Keyro: Arena Lockdown (which I was roundly unsatisfied with), and, what with the ease of developing for the Flash or HTML5 targets in HaxeFlixel, I have no excuse not to. Being browser-based definitely has an effect on the number of players a game gets (so many more people become engaged when the game automatically loads up for them). Secondly, I hope to find some way to incorporate scalable vector graphics (SVGs) into the game with HaxeFlixel. As best I understand, this could potentially be done with OpenFL, which HaxeFlixel is built upon, but it will take some digging. I have recently become interested in vector art, and the scalability of it seems very enticing, hence my desire to incorporate it into my games. If anyone out there has some info that could help me out (or stop me from barking up the wrong tree, if need be), I would be greatly appreciative :)

My next game will be technically experimental for me, so my intention is to keep it simple. One other thing I want this game to support is local multiplayer. I have a few ideas, and some should be ready for sharing come next week!

That about does it. See you in seven days, or thereabout! :D

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